The PTA Board is a group of dedicated volunteers that ensures the mission and purpose of the PTA is upheld at all times. The President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer are elected by the Membership. The Delegates and Committee Chairs are appointed. If you have any interest or questions about being a board member for the next year, please let any current board member know!
PTA Board Officer Responsibilities
Preside at all meetings of this PTA, the board of directors, and the executive committee.
Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of this PTA so that the purposes may be promoted.
Be a member ex officio of all committees except the nominating committee.
Perform other duties as prescribed in the bylaws or assigned by this PTA or the board of directors.
Review bank statements monthly and initial.
Represent this PTA at all council meetings or send an alternate.
Vice President
Act as an aid to the president.
Serve as president in the absence of the president or at the president’s request.
Successor to President; in the event of the president’s resignation, assume all duties until the bylaws fill the president’s position.
Support volunteer coordinator for PTA and school to track all volunteers and their hours.
Support committee chairs by identifying volunteer resources, coordinating volunteer needs, and assisting in attaining physical needs required for an event.
Support Membership to ensure enrollment and dues are processed.
Establish and maintain the list serve.
Perform other duties as prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by this PTA/PTSA or the board of directors.
Attend all monthly PTA meetings.
In the absence of the Recording Secretary, record and distribute the minutes of all meetings of this PTA/PTSA, the board of directors, and the executive committee. Be prepared to read the minutes of the previous meeting.
Act as custodian of PTA records, including filing all records.
Have a current copy of the bylaws.
Work with Recording Secretary to maintain a current membership list.
Read incoming correspondence at meetings and write any outgoing correspondence on behalf of the PTA.
Maintain documents -- volunteer forms, flyers, committee lists, etc.
Manage the newsletter and weekly news communication.
Perform other duties as prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by this PTA/PTSA or the board of directors.
Record and distribute the minutes of all meetings of this PTA, the board of directors, and the executive committee.
Be prepared to read the minutes of the previous meeting.
Act as custodian of PTA records, including filing all records.
Have a current copy of the bylaws.
Maintain a current membership list.
Maintain the PTA calendar.
Secure facilities for PTA events with Montgomery County ICB Office.
Perform other duties as prescribed in these bylaws or assigned by this PTA/PTSA or the board of directors.
Have custody of all funds of this PTA.
Keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures, including monthly reconciliation of the bank statement.
Make disbursements as authorized by the president or board of directors of this PTA by the budget adopted by this PTA.
Present a written financial statement at every meeting of the executive committee, the board of directors, and the general membership and at other times when requested by the board of directors.
Make a full report before the newly elected officers officially assume their duties.
Be responsible for the maintenance of such books of account and records as to conform to the requirements of Article IV, Section 13 of the bylaws.
Be responsible for preparing and filing all necessary tax forms and submitting a copy to the Maryland PTA office within thirty (30) days of filing.
Have the accounts examined at the close of the fiscal year and upon change of treasurer by an auditor or an auditing committee of not less than three (3) persons who, satisfied that the treasurer’s annual report is correct, shall sign a statement of that fact at the end of the report. The board of directors shall select an auditor or an auditing committee at least thirty (30) days before the new officers assume their duties.
Perform other duties as prescribed in the bylaws or assigned by this PTA or the board of directors.
Delegate I and II
Delegates serve as the link between our school community and the Montgomery County Council of PTAs (MCCPTA) and assist PTA members understand and engage in advocacy efforts, focus groups, task forces, etc. which benefit all children and public schools in the county. Duties include attending the monthly Delegate Assembly Meetings (currently virtual) during the school year to listen, discuss, and determine countywide PTA positions on key issues. Delegates should also plan to attend the Wilson Wims PTA monthly meetings to report to the membership on important issues brought forth at the Delegate Assembly Meetings. If advocacy is important to you and you would like to join our team, please reach out to Ashley Zuraf at